The US is looking to surpass China in the Indo-Pacific 2

The US is looking to surpass China in the Indo-Pacific

(Dan Tri) – The US military is reviewing its military deployment in the Indo-Pacific region to ensure that it has effective firepower and soldiers to deal with any threat from

US Army Chief of Staff James McConville said in a recent online event hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington that he is considering the issue of “precision long-range firepower” as a priority.

The changes “will allow us to outpace” potential adversaries such as China and Russia, McConville said, adding that the move could also include establishing “joint task forces across the world.”

The US has been conducting rehearsals for F-35 fighter aircraft (Photo: TNS)

Mr. McConville’s comments came after the commander of the US Marine Corps, General David Berger, said in March in his `Force Design 2030` plan that he wanted to reduce the role of the Marines.

Meanwhile, the US National Guard said the force can place most brigades under the command of eight division command posts to enhance the combat power of ground troops in the region.

Song Zhongping, a military expert in Hong Kong, said that the above change is part of US President Donald Trump’s Indo-Pacific strategy to deal with China.

“The United States wants to enhance its offensive capabilities by integrating land, air, sea and space firepower systems, and combining them with forces into a powerful joint operational warfare system.

“The goal is to block all channels in the East and South China Seas and coordinate with regional allies to prevent the Chinese military’s fleets from breaking the first island chain established by Washington during the Cold War.

During his visit to Tokyo last month, General Berger discussed with his Japanese counterpart the possibility of deploying US mobile marine units in Okinawa.

According to Stars & Stripes newspaper, the US military has been conducting exercises involving the deployment of about 12 F-35B fighter jets on the amphibious assault ship USS America.

According to naval expert Li Jie in Beijing, the above testing activity is aimed at responding to the expansion of the Chinese military’s air and sea combat capabilities.

`The US is concerned that the US fleet will be knocked out of the western Pacific,` Mr. Li said.

Expert Song Zhongping said that the biggest difficulty the US is likely to face in its containment strategy is maintaining cooperation with its allies.

“Currently, only Australia is listening to America.

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